B Lab Global’s 2021 Annual Report

In 2021, the community of Certified B Corporations grew to a total of +4,300 businesses in 77 countries. Through a period of global crisis and challenge, B Lab Global has been working to scale the B Corp movement with accountability and integrity — while facing highest-ever demand for our certification process, undergoing an ongoing review of our core standards, steering policy initiatives advancing stakeholder governance around the globe, and forging key relationships with partner organizations.
“We’re gratified to watch our movement grow — because the challenges it confronts loom larger than ever,” said B Lab co-founders Andrew Kassoy and Bart Houlahan in the introduction to B Lab Global’s 2021 Annual Report. “Amid global conflict driven by fossil fuel dependence, ongoing racial justice reckoning, and the still-unfolding impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic — from public health inequities to a transforming workforce — economic systems change is no longer a buzzword. It is an urgent call to action for the business community.”
In the pages of our 2021 Annual Report, learn how B Lab Global is driving economic systems change through B Corp Certification, our standards for high social and environmental impact, and programmatic initiatives around the world.

More businesses than ever are seeking new ways to build resilient practices centered on economic systems change. They’re finding solutions in B Lab's standards, programs, and tools.